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消防员隔热服 DFXF-93-A型(heat-insulation suit f

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联 系 人:何永山 先生
邮  编:224234
传  真:0515-85753706


 东台市东方船舶装配有限公司生产的消防员隔热服采用纤维织物与镀铝薄膜的复合材料制作,服装包括上衣、裤子、手套、头罩和盖脚,不含石棉,具有双重轻、强度高、阻燃、耐高温、抗热辐射、耐磨、耐折以及对人体无毒害等优点,能有效地保障消防队员和高温作业人员不被烈焰、高温灼伤。能有效地保障消防队装备质量监督检验中心检测合格,符合GA88《消防员隔热服性能要求及试验方法》以及《国际消防安全系统规则》的要求。船用防护服经中国船级社检验合格。 该套 消防隔热服 防护服 包括上衣、裤子、手套、头罩和护脚。 序号 名称 技术参数 1 撕破强度   ≥ 32N 2 剥离强度( N/30 ㎜)   ≥ 9N 3 阻燃碳长 ( 2s )   ≤ 1000㎜ 4 抗渗水性能   ≥ 4000Pa 5 面料反射率   波长400-1000mm,全反射>70%,漫反射>40% 6 面料阻燃性   碳长<1000mm 7 面料的撕破强力   >1000g/cm 8 面料的剥离强度   ≥12N/50mm 9 面料的防水性   在2m水柱压力下不渗水,不破裂 10 隔热性   在温度850℃距火源1.75m时2min服装内表面温度不大于45 The DFXF-93-A heat insulation suit for fighting is made with a flame-resisting Fabric coated and an aluminum plated film compound material and no asbestos .It consists of jacket, gloves, hood and foot cover and posses light ,high strength, flame-resisting heat-insulation, heat radiating-proof, wear-proof, fold-proof, as well as harmless for human-body ,it can effective protect the fire-fighter and the operator who working at high temperature place from flame and high temperature and meets the regulation of the standard for the performance place from test method of heat insulation suit for fire-fighting, the suit for shipping is authorized by china classification society of shipping Water proof Hydraulic pressure≥4000 MPa Heat radiation resistance Under the heat radiation with 10kw/m2 the increase of temperature on inner-surface not over 25℃, after irradiate 30 seconds. Fitted items One suit of partition fire clothes made of flame-retarded coated with aluminum foil.(one head cover, one pair of gloves, one pair of feet cover ,upper garment, a pair of trousers), one safety helmet, one set of fire boots.


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